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Here are some tips to assist in the home:

  • It is important to have a laundry basket or two in the house, the bathroom can be a good place if there is room or in the laundry if it is handy, maybe even one in each bedroom.  Then all dirty laundry should be put straight in the basket or at least the next morning.  It is easy then to do the laundry, you don’t have to do a hunt around the house.
  • Have a place for everything and everything in its place.  This is true but may be overwhelming if you have chaos everywhere you look.  Having a place for everything is important otherwise how can you put it away?
  • Every time you move from one room to another take things with you and put them away.
  • Chip away at it a bit at a time.  Do a small area at a time, maybe start with that kitchen drawer, small accomplishments make you feel better.
  • Make new habits and get the rest of the household in on it too.  If something changes eg moving house start with making fresh habits eg rinse and put your own dishes after tea rather than leaving them, tidy the bathroom after use eg hang up your towels and put your own dirty laundry in the basket.
  • A tidy house clears your head, lifts your spirits and makes it easier to think clearly.
  • If you have children and childrens toys everywhere and you are expecting guests in the next minute, get a broom and sweep the toys into a corner at least then it won’t be such a trip hazard and you will feel better.
  • Think like a kindergarten in zones eg block zone or reading area and have suitable storage nearby for these areas.
  • If necessary get someone in to help, set up areas, zones and storage and to do a big sort out to get you started then it is easier to maintain.  Don’t think your mess is too big or too scary to show anyone you would be amazed at what we see but we keep secrets.

Need assistance with a mess at home, home office or workplace?

Call Jodi’s Enterprises NZ  - confidentiality assured.
p 858 8965 or m 027 239 9706 or e [email protected]